
Boruto: Naruto the Movie


The spirited Boruto Uzumaki, son of Seventh Hokage Naruto, is a skilled ninja who possesses the same brashness and passion his father once had. However, the constant absence of his father, who is busy with his Hokage duties, puts a damper on Boruto's fire. He ends up meeting his father's friend Sasuke, and requests to become... his apprentice!? The curtain on the story of the new generation rises!

Nepaklusnus Boruto Uzumaki, septinto Hokage Naruto sūnus, yra įgudęs ninja, kuris turi tokią pat drąsą ir aistrą, kokią kažkada turėjo jo tėvas. Tačiau jo tėvo nuolatinis nebuvimas, kuris užsiėmęs savo Hokage pareigomis, trukdo Boruto ugniai. Jis susitinka su tėvo draugu Sasuke ir prašo tapti jo mokinio!? Naujosios kartos istorija prasideda!
